Hay – Fever – leave them kids alone!

Hay – Fever – leave them kids alone!

Symptoms such as runny nose, itchy nose & eyes, especially on windy days & from season to season are a giveaway that you have seasonal allergies. What are seasonal allergies & what has this got to do with our immune system? How can we use foods, plants...
Eating for climate as well as health. Is it possible?

Eating for climate as well as health. Is it possible?

With the climate crisis well and truly upon us, individual actions to bring about change are just as important as government level, business & system change. Some major adaptations will need to take place. The world we live in now will look very different in 20...
Prebiotics or Probiotics? A quick lesson on fibre..

Prebiotics or Probiotics? A quick lesson on fibre..

With the advent of probiotics and the focus that surrounded them as the research first appeared about their myriad of health benefits(1), prebiotics have been forgotten about and come to the fore again. Specific probiotics (live bacteria) and their strains have been...
Friends with Benefits ~ Probiotics

Friends with Benefits ~ Probiotics

Probiotics form part of the Microbiome – the vast array of beneficial bacteria, yeasts and fungi that live inside us – and off us – without harming us. In fact, these bacteria form beneficial arrangement with us ~ These are our friends with benefits....
12 Steps for Tooth Decay Prevention

12 Steps for Tooth Decay Prevention

Tooth decay is largely preventable. Here are 12 tips to help you prevent tooth decay. If you follow these rules you should have better dental health and less decay. Tooth decay is like rotting wood. Once it starts it becomes contagious. Treat early for the very best...
The 3 Major Underlying Causes of Health Issues

The 3 Major Underlying Causes of Health Issues

The majority of health issues are caused by three major underlying factors. These 3 body systems play a very big role in our overall health. When we experience sickness we experience symptoms. Symptoms are the things you notice in your body that cause discomfort or...
Poo Dairy!

Poo Dairy!

How to use: Print and Fill in each day with all food, drink and snacks you have eaten. Everything needs to be recorded as accurately as possible including added salt, sugar and sweeteners. Include portion sizes. Use the Bristol Stool chart to describe your poos every...
Prebiotics or Probiotics? A quick lesson on fibre..

Is your gut just a giant worm?

When thinking about the gut we need to imagine it in order to understand it. From an evolutionary perspective, it is amazing how similar our gut is to an earthworm. Earthworms are the composting mechanism of the garden. A worm doesn’t have a brain, yet it...