Iodine – why are we running low?

Iodine – why are we running low?

Iodine deficiency is something of the past and the ‘goitre’ which is an enlarged thyrdoid no longer exists.    We set out to eradicate this largely preventable health issue by adding iodine (potassium iodate) to table salt. Since this introduction, goitre...
Eating for climate as well as health. Is it possible?

Eating for climate as well as health. Is it possible?

With the climate crisis well and truly upon us, individual actions to bring about change are just as important as government level, business & system change. Some major adaptations will need to take place. The world we live in now will look very different in 20...
What to do with old supplements?

What to do with old supplements?

We know what it’s like. You bought that supplement thinking it was going to solve your (insert XYZ problem here) and it didn’t work, or you thought it wasn’t helping, so you stopped it & its now sitting in the cupbard taking up room. But what if...
Kids school lunchbox ideas

Kids school lunchbox ideas

I’ve had a bit of lunchbox envy when I have seen what creative ideas my own friends have included in their kids lunchbox so I thought I would write about it just in case you needed some inspiration! (As we all do!) When it comes to kids lunch boxes, we need...
The Many Uses of Collagen

The Many Uses of Collagen

Collagen is such a useful type of protein that has many many benefits that span the whole body. We get really excited about our Collagen supplement because of the results and feedback we get from people. So why is it so good and who should take it? What results will I...
10 positive thoughts to help with weight loss

10 positive thoughts to help with weight loss

Instead of telling you what not to do we are going to give you some positive things to consider when losing weight instead: If you fall off the bandwagon – don’t worry! Just get back on it. Never beat yourself up with unnecessary guilt – it...
Is fruit juice as bad as fizzy drink?

Is fruit juice as bad as fizzy drink?

When drunk on a regular basis – yes, fruit juice is as bad as fizzy. Some people find this hard to believe but what is there left in a processed fruit drink apart from sugars and some stale vitamins? Many people feel that juice is a better alternative to fizzy....
Key Nutrients for the Immune System

Key Nutrients for the Immune System

Why are nutrients so important for the immune system? When you listen to a Medical Herbalist, Naturopath or Nutritionist talk about the immune system, inevitably the topic of nutrients comes up. White blood cells are the main fighters in the immune army. To make these...
Poo Dairy!

Poo Dairy!

How to use: Print and Fill in each day with all food, drink and snacks you have eaten. Everything needs to be recorded as accurately as possible including added salt, sugar and sweeteners. Include portion sizes. Use the Bristol Stool chart to describe your poos every...
Why fasting is good for you

Why fasting is good for you

Many people hold a subconscious belief that if they somehow go hungry for too long, fast or simply eat less that their metabolism will somehow deem them to be in famine and hold onto fat. The reality is this is simply not true. Because of this belief many people think...
Don’t Believe the Food Industry

Don’t Believe the Food Industry

The Food Industry does not care about your health. Therefore you cannot believe what they say about their products. Anything. If you start with this premise then you learn to take everything you read with a grain of salt. Below we have 2 images. One represents a...
Diet Rules ~ 12 simple rules to follow

Diet Rules ~ 12 simple rules to follow

We all need rules. Rules give us a set of standards and boundaries to stay within. Diet rules are the same. They are a set of rules to live by. If you follow these rules you will be set for life. Psychology Don’t let people put you off your lifestyle and food changes...