How to make your own fabric softener using essential oils.
This simple and easy recipe involves 1 ingredient and some essential oils to make your washing smell divine. Place it in the fabric softener compartment of your machine so it goes through the wash on its final rinse, leaving the oil to fragrance your clothes.
Baking soda is a fantastic fabric softener with its alkaline pH and fabric softening action. Find bulk baking soda at your local Binn Inn or bulk store. Purchase at least 1 kg for making your own cleaning products.
Oils to use:
Vetiver – Vetiver is a key oil for fabric softener as its sticky, deep smell lasts longer than other oils. Vertiver is an oil from the roots of the plant. It is a base oil meaning that its smell can be used as the base for the blend. Its smell is quite intoxicating and it has aphrodisiac and relaxant qualities to it. This is perfect for washing sheets.
Lavender – Lavender can be blended with Vertiver. Lavender is a terpene type of oil and it blends well and creates a freshness that also has relaxant properties.
Clary Sage – Clary Sage is a penetrating floral aroma, another oil perfect for blending with Vertiver.
Geranium – Geranium is a lovely floral scent and blends well with Vetiver to make a highly perfumed aroma.
Rose – We do not recommend the use of Rose Absolute as we have this in a Jojoba oil base due to its high price. Instead try the Zurma Blend ‘Antique rose’ or ‘Dusky rose’ as these do not contain any Jojoba, are cheaper and mimic the smell of Rose damascena.
Eucalyptus – For a fresh clean smell use Eucalyptus as a base, you can use quite a lot of Eucalyptus as it is a cheap oil however it may not last on t
Lemon – For a fresh citrus burst use Lemon, however it may not last when used alone.
Manuka/Kanuka/Tea tree – Tea tree oil’s such as Manuka, Kanuka and Melaleuca (Australian) Tea tree are germ killing essential oils and impart a fresh smell to your linen.
Enjoy blending, simply add a couple of drops of each oil into your baking soda and mix. Place in a jar and pop a teaspoon in each wash. Use about 6-20 drops in total. Use a teaspoon or so added into the fabric softener part of the washing machine. Just be aware that a hot cycle or dryer may evaporate the oils faster.
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Picture: Vetiveria zizanioides – Vetiver root