Black Cumin Seeds ~ Nigella sativa ~ Organic


Black Cumin seeds otherwise known as Nigella seeds are one of India’s cure all remedies. This may be due to the major constituent in the oil  thymoquinone which has been shown in studies to help with metabolism and allergies as well as diabetes prevention and management. There is a spicy hot taste to the seeds which adds flavour to any dish they are used in which makes this an exquisite culinary as well as medicinal option for those partaking.

There is also promising research on Black cumin helping to reduce the severity of Covid-19 infection.

173 patients were enrolled for 87 in the control group and 86 in the treatment group. The percentage of recovered patients in the treatment group (54[62 %]) was significantly higher than that in the control group (31[36 %]; p = 0.001). The mean duration to recovery was also shorter for patients receiving NSO (10.7 ± 3.2 days) compared with the control group (12.3 ± 2.8 days); p = 0.001, with the conclusion that Blackseed and honey supplementation was associated with faster recovery of symptoms than usual care alone for patients with mild COVID-19 infection. Further studies are needed! However Black cumin is now in high demand and will be out of stock in the coming weeks and months.

All of our teas are organic or wild harvested from natural surroundings. Enjoy!


  1. Nigella sativa for the treatment of COVID-19: An open-label randomized controlled clinical trial, Complement Ther Med. 2021 Sep; 61: 102769.
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Additional information


Dried Black Cumin Seeds


Steep as a tea or add to casseroles or smoothies daily


100 grams


Used as food these seeds are safe for daily use. Those with a nut allergy might avoid Black cumin seeds