Detox Tea | Kidney & Liver Support


Detox Tea ~ This is a great tasting tea and can be drunk daily. This tea is a Kidney, Liver, Blood and Lymphatic tonic all in one. You should start to feel an increase in energy after drinking for several days or longer. It is the kind of tea we should drink every day for a month once a year in order to clear out. It works by helping our Kidneys and Liver function better therefore helping the blood draw out more waste from the tissues. In turn this helps our skin, allergies, arthritis, energy and reduces inflammation and fatigue ~ problems which so often respond to a good ol’ fashioned detox. However these problems can also temporarily be aggravated as the chemicals and metabolic waste products leave the body. Have no fear this is normal and will pass in no time ~ or it may not happen at all.  The great thing about herbs is that they always have more than one application so we receive multiple benefits from them, it also acts as a mineral supplement due to the Horsetail and Nettle leaf high in minerals like Silica and Iron. As this tea has Diuretic properties drink during the daytime so the body can flush the kidneys during the day without waking you at night! Enjoy!

This tea contains: Burdock root, Sarsaparilla root, Schisandra berry, Horsetail leaf, Nettle leaf, Dandelion root, Red clover flower, Liquorice.

Taste: Some batches of this tea contain Indian Sarsaparilla which has the ‘Root beer’ flavour, otherwise with the combination of herbs it has a pleasant but mild flavour.

All of our herbal tea blends are created by us and are made from quality local {where possible} and imported herbs from mainly organic herb farms. Quality dried herbs should look and smell fresh and will give a longer infusion time. To learn how to make herbal teas in your own home check out our courses on tea making.

30 grams will last just over a week and 80 grams will last for up to a month when drunk daily. Reuse leaves 2-3 times until spent. Enjoy.

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Burdock root, Sarsaparilla root, Schisandra berry, Horsetail leaf, Nettle leaf, Dandelion root, Red clover flower, Liquorice.


Infusion: Take 1 teaspoon of herb and steep in a pot for 20 minutes. Or steep overnight and drink the next day.


Can temporarily cause headaches or fatigue when using initially. This should pass in 1 day. This is natural by-product of increasing detoxification pathways in the body.
Not suitable for use when pregnant or breastfeeding.