Hemp Oil


Our Hemp Seed oil is Ashburton grown and in our view the best tasting and freshest on the market here in New Zealand! For this reason it ha a low carbon footprint.

The science: Hemp Seed Oil is a useful addition to the diet as it contains a number of important essential {nutritional} fatty acids. The most abundant of these is the omega 6 fatty acid Gamma Linoleic Acid {GLA} which is necessary for cellular membranes and for making certain anti-inflammatory molecules and keeping skin hydrated and moisture inside the barrier. The other is Alpha Linolenic Acid {ALA} part of the omega 3 family, again important for cellular membranes, cardiovascular health, skin and anti-inflammatory actions. Hemp Seed oil also contains the fat soluble vitamins beta carotene and Vitamin E which are essential nutrients.

Therefore Hemp Seed Oil is good for the cardiovascular system particularly high blood pressure & cholesterol, skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dry skin, hormone balance {PMS}, brain & joint health. When using nutritional oils it is best to keep them refrigerated once opened, use within 8 weeks and keep out of the direct sunlight to prevent rancidity. Hemp Seed Oil has an earthy, nutty flavour and is lovely drizzled over food after it has been cooked or in a salad dressing or smoothie. Hemp seed oil can be used as a nutritional supplement or as part of a healthy balanced diet high in quality fats.

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100% pure Hemp Seed Oil cold pressed


Take 15ml of Hemp Seed Oil with food daily