Hormone Testing


Hormone testing is usually warranted in certain cases where a person needs to know which hormone is out of balance. The type of testing needed depends on the problem.

PMS, irregular periods, menopausal symptoms, or amenorrhea after cessation of the pill doesn’t usually require hormone testing. These patterns of hormone imbalance are well established and a thorough case take and health history as well as a thorough assessment of your symptoms usually reveals the treatment pathway.

However hormonal acne, severe PMS, a history or family history of endocrine cancers, and even more systemic symptoms which relate to a cyclic pattern indicate a need for hormone testing.

The next question is the type of testing. At your doctor you will be able to take a hormone test if your symptoms warrant it, however with female hormones it is all about the timing. Hormones are cyclical and hormone testing requires knowing where in your cycle you are. You need to track your cycle for at least a month prior to and during the month you are testing, and for best results, preferably have 2-3 months of data from your cycle leading up to it. Alternatively you can take a full cycle test if your cycles are too irregular to know where you are.

You can also do a full saliva panel which tests females for DHEAs, E1, E2, E3, Progesterone & Testosterone. This is simple to do at home and doesn’t require a doctors appointment. Male full saliva panel tests for DHEAs, E1, E2 & Testosterone.

Comprehensive hormonal testing is available through our practitioners and the same principal applies. Your signs and symptoms should warrant getting the test, and if it helps to formulate you a treatment plan much more specific to your needs, then we test. Acne is particularly problematic because we don’t know which hormones are affecting it – androgens or oestrogens.

The DUTCH test is a comprehensive test which tests for sex hormone, adrenal (stress) hormone, and some organic acids produced from melatonin, neurotransmitters and metabolism. This can help identify your stress hormone levels and determines how much stress and oxidative stress is impacting on your hormones. DUTCH also has a complete cycle map available.

Once testing is completed and results are received we will be in touch to discuss it at your follow up appointment. In the mean time the basics of diet change and addressing the underlying factors or most problematic symptoms has begun. The first phase of treatment can often be started and completed by the time hormone tests are returned and delivered.

The price of this test includes a 15 minute phone consultation with one of our practitioners to determine if the test is required before completing the order. We will do a cost/benefit ratio and review your symptoms. What we do know is that there is nothing quite like testing to truly reveal what is going on inside the body, and to add motivation to your health journey. Testing can direct a treatment plan, alert you to red flags, or they rule out anomalies. However tests do cost money so we generally only recommend them when indicated and after discussion with you, about the pros and cons of each test.

Tests are taken at home and kits come with a full set of instructions. Test take between 3 to 4 weeks to get returned.

Please note this test needs to be done in conjunction with a qualified practitioner and results need to be interpreted with a practitioner. We stock these on our website for information and pricing only. If you have a practitioner and would like to order a test please send us the name and practice of your practitioner before you order your test. Please also note we do not keep test kits in stock, any test ordered on your behalf will need to be ordered in and then sent. If you would like to order a test please book a 15 minute consultation with one of our practitioners here so we can screen you for the test and book a follow up for your results.

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Female Hormone saliva, Male Hormone saliva, Cycle mapping, DUTCH complete, DUTCH complete + cycle map