EcoBamboo Interdental Brushes – 8 pack


We love interdental brushes and have now found these bamboo ones which are even cheaper and better than our previous ones.

If you have not heard of them, interdental brushes clean in between your teeth. Sometimes food gets stuck in between and can be a major cause of fillings. This can also be a cause of bad breath!

You can apply some toothpaste to the brush to apply to toothpaste in between teeth for extra protection against tooth decay.

They can be reused just by rinsing after use and can be thrown in the compost when finished with.

Once you have tried these you will keep them as a valuable part of your dental hygiene routine.

Size 1 – 0.7mm brush for smaller gaps

Size 3 – 1mm brush

Please request smaller or larger sizes (0.6mm – 1.5mm) and we will stock these for you

This is a New Zealand company so your product has a low carbon footprint and your money is staying right here in New Zealand, plus they donate toothbrushes to the local kids around Nelson. Enjoy!

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Size 1 interdental brushes 8 pack, Size 3 interdental brushes 8 pack


Brush in between teeth and rinse after each tooth. You can apply some toothpaste to the brush to apply to toothpaste in between teeth for extra protection against tooth decay.