Womens Clinic


PMS, libido, menopause, fertility, endometriosis, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, vaginal health, urinary tract infections – there are many problems that are unique to women! Our Women’s Clinic helps you deal with any or all of these issues. Hormonal problems can affect women from a young age or they may not develop until later. Signs of hormonal imbalance usually start with mild PMS {pre-menstrual syndrome} which may include irritability, breast tenderness, food cravings, mood changes as well as painful, heavy periods. We often put up with these symptoms until they become so uncomfortable we decide to seek help. Whilst going onto the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy {HRT} can solve many of these problems, in the long term they may have unwanted side effects and problems may return when coming off them. The good news is that we can use herbs, diet changes and key nutrients to help with these symptoms, and at the same time we can start identifying underlying factors which affect hormones, meaning we can help our hormones in the long term too.

Our Women’s Clinic specialises in helping you identify your potential triggers and warning signs as we help you become more competent at learning how to influence your hormones with foods, herbs, gut health and self-care. We start you off on a herbal & nutritional programme designed to treat your particular signs & symptoms which may include liver function, gut health or stress. We also look at food additives, use of plastics and skin products you are using and determine what you should be eating and doing instead. As we see you in follow up appointments, we determine what works for you and we are able to paint you a picture of how to look after your hormones by looking them as part of your overall health.

If  we don’t manage our hormones when they become a problem, then the factors that drive these complaints continue. What we need to remember is that stress, diet and gut health as well as the products we use in our home influences our hormones so we can start to look at our hormones as a sign of what is going on inside our body. Treating the underlying cause means we effectively treat our hormones and our general health at the same time, so we are really looking at our health holistically! What started off as a genetic tendency {nature} becomes exacerbated by environmental triggers {nurture}.

If you want to find out how to look after your hormones, book into our Women’s Clinic:

  • 1 hour and 15 minute initial appointment ~ We go over your symptoms and discuss your warning signs, triggers, and underlying causes. We recommend herbs, nutrients, lifestyle and diet changes you need to start the process of healing the hormones.
  • 45 minute follow up ~ You then go away and practice these new habits, taking herbs and supplements and finding the nutrients from your diet, coming back for a 45 minute follow up 1 month later to discuss the changes and results.
  • 30 minute follow up ~ Further changes to your diet and gut health take longer to implement and if things are going well a maintenance plan can be made. For others, time and patience may require that you work on it for longer.

Further follow up appointments can be made in order to further track your progress. All appointments involve a referral to a medical practitioner if necessary.

To make a booking, head to the booking section at the bottom of this page (the button below scrolls to that section). There you can choose your clinic service, your preferred practitioner, and select from the available times. Payments can be made by adding this product to your cart and completing the online checkout process, or in person after your clinic session.

Looking to make a payment for your clinic booking online? Please add the product to your cart and checkout as normal. In the order notes, please include the name of your clinic service, the practitioner, and the date and time. Thank you.